Only grateful for the fact that both of us missed the original craze in the 80s, we can still say that our mothers' experiences with the permanent wave have left an indelible imprint on our memories. I can remember a specific experience when my mum came home sporting her first perm. She cried for three days afterwards and I've never gotten over it.
The perm has been creeping back into some of the edgier New York salons, the sales of home perms have been steadily on the rise in the UK and in Australia, Melbourne salons have reported an increase in requests.
Can thousands of international hipsters be wrong? We're hoping so, just this once.
Marc Jacobs s/s 2011
Pic from
Wake up 50-somethings, the flat look drags you down!! I got a perm yesterday. It took 10 years off! Perky and soft in Richmond, VA!!
February 16, 2011 at 10:53 AM